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Custom Mylar Bags

3Custom Mylar Bags
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Hassle-Free Designs

Haven’t you produced a design your brand deserves? We at CBD Packaging Store can broaden your design scope when creating mylar bags. We claim it because our in-house designers can produce a masterpiece in an innovative environment.

CBD Industry Specialists

Fast Turnaround

Put all your efforts into making your products available without a break. This target can be achieved only when you reach to your customers timely with newly-designed mylar bags. We ensure you get your packaging before the deadline.

Free Instant Quotes

Minimum Order Quantity

Portray your small business as a brand and partner with us to get as low as 100 peices at the best rates in town. Using our minimum order quantity feature helps you rapidly match top brands’ packaging and challenge them. This option is the best for limited-time offers.

Step 1

Meticulously Crafted Material Selection

Better materials keep your products ahead of others if your ultimate purpose is to engage your customers. Choosing the suitable material to differentiate from others is absolutely critical to help your customers perceive your brand.

Pet 2


The best material for food items and beverages, this material is equipped with metals to develop resistance against UV and extend shelf life.

Clear Pet

clear pet

Presentation matters the most to make products vibrant. Creating a window helps customers look at what is inside. We use it if you want mylar bags with window.

Metalized Mylar Bag


To make your products prominent on store shelves, this material suits the most due to the flashiness it offers to our eyes. It also helps cause a few double-takes.

Kraft 2


Custom bags are made from durable Kraft paper when combined with PET or MPET. This material gives a more original or healthy feel to your products.

Sustainable solutions

Pla Biodegradable custom printed mylar bags


CBD Packaging Store recommends this material when your customers love buying only those products that are packed in eco-friendly packaging. Polylactic acid (PLA) offers an excellent option to compete aggressively and prepare single-use mylar packaging.


100% recyclable mylar bags can retail all incredible qualities to protect your products inside and ensure your brand’s value. So, use sustainable materials offered by CBD Packaging Store and boost your brand.

Recyclable custom printed mylar bags

Step 2

Careful Size selection

A perfect fit makes custom packaging the best option for manufacturers. It is because carefully choosing the size keeps your products organized in custom mylar bags. At CBD Packaging Store, we offer custom packaging solutions in all sizes. You only need to measure the product accurately, and we will generate the perfect suit for your products.

Zip-Lock Bags

Some products are designed for longer than single use. Mylar zipper bags allow for reuse.

Heat Seal Bags

To make your customers feel secure, we offer tamper-evident closure to ensure product security.

Child Protected

According to regulations, it is imperative to keep certain products out of the reach of children. With child-resistant packaging in mylar bags, you can be sure to comply with regulations. CBD Packaging Store uses unique technology to design packaging suitable for all types of items.

Zip Lock Mylar Bag 1
Heat Seal Bag 1
Heat Seal Bag

Step 3

Closure for security

Airtight your products with a variety of closing options offered by CBD Packaging Store.


According to the law, keeping some specific products away from children is a must. Therefore, we recommend child-resistant packaging to help you conduct business according to the law. CBD Packaging Store uses exclusive technology to engineer packaging that suits most products.


Some products are for more than one-time use. Zipper bags allow customers to reseal the products to use again.


To help your customers feel secure, we provide tamper-evident closures to ensure they receive the best products.

Top Loading

To make your packaging a classic and simple look, we recommend top loading in mylar bags.

Bottom Loading

You can also convince your customers with a change and load the products in custom printed pouches from the bottom.

Seamless Fusion of Style and Function: Custom Mylar Bags at the Finest

Are you struggling to find the most suitable and cheap packaging solution that can give the protection and prominence of your products simultaneously? Well, many manufacturing firms have been facing the same issue due to the increased competition in the industry. If you are one of them, let CBD Packaging Store help you with custom mylar bags. This packaging allows you to control your budget more effectively. With that, you can help your products shine on store shelves so potential customers will be attracted to your products. This way, you can not only increase your audience but also improve your sales.

Make Your Brand Competitive with Mylar Bags

Here, many businesses may claim they have yet to find competitive packaging firms that can address all their concerns. It happens because some packaging companies claim false commitments and cannot create the packaging their customers expect. More importantly, we can find various packaging firms that claim they are the experts in creating custom printed mylar bags, but the reality is that they have nothing in their bucket.

On the other hand, CBD Packaging Store is a renowned name in CBD packaging and understands how to use pouches for the maximum protection of CBD products. Our experts understand the importance of packaging to keep CBD products enticing, tasteful, and practical. Moreover, they also understand how cost-efficient packaging solutions become vital for small brands. Therefore, we claim at CBD Packaging Store that our mylar bags wholesale and other packaging solutions can resolve all your concerns related to protection and branding through branding.

Addressing All Your Packaging Concerns

Many manufacturers think their packaging concerns are not addressed because they do not have packaging firms in their surroundings. CBD Packaging Store has resolved this issue with the best team of customer support executives and designers. These people remain connected with you and discuss every aspect you may consider necessary and relevant. You can tell all your concerns regarding custom boxes and pouches, incorporate all your suggestions, and convert them into the packaging your products deserve.

Another important aspect we remember is the cost other packaging firms charge when providing design support and customization. CBD Packaging Store has ensured that you will get this support for free, which means you will get the most affordable packaging solutions at your doorstep without delays.

Mylar Packaging Bags at CBD Packaging Store

When ordering from us, you will get these custom mylar packaging bags with logos made from top-quality packaging materials. More interestingly, our free design support, customization, and shipping globally make these bags affordable. These bags are not only suitable for CBD products but also work exceptionally well to protect food items and many other products. Additionally, you can use these bags for the storage purposes of cannabis products if you want to use these products multiple times.

With us, you can customize these bags conveniently. Moreover, this customization is available until we send your order to the production department. Additionally, our expert design team and packaging specialists ensure you get the best designs at your doorstep without compromising on quality.

Limitless Customization for Free

We have a team of experienced designers and packaging experts aware of the latest and most advanced packaging trends top brands have been following. Moreover, they also understand the company’s requirements regarding bags. So they can convert ordinary designs into the most aggressive and influential ones.

The story does not end here because we also remember that the ultimate aim of these cannabis mylar bags is to protect the products exceptionally well. For that, we recommend only sustainable and eco-friendly packaging materials. These materials are not only cost-efficient and stylish, but you can also develop yourself as a brand conscious of the global environmental situation.

Types of Custom Mylar Packaging Bags

We offer packaging in various shapes, sizes, colors, and styles. It means we address all your design and finishing needs when you partner with us. These packaging options help you fulfill all your marketing requirements. Moreover, we make these bags so you can deal with the quantity and weight of your products. However, providing all the required details, our customer support executives want to get is essential.

Overall, the following types of bags we produce:

Sealed Bags

When ordering these bags, you must understand that these bags are sealed from three sides. Moreover, after filling the sealed bag with a product you will deliver or present to your customers, you will close the fourth end.

Ziplock Bags

While talking about the most famous bags, this option remains at the top. The reason is that your customers can seal these bags again after getting the required quantity and reuse them again.

Bags with a Hanger

You can also suggest a hanger to the CBD packaging store that we will add to your bags. This hanger will be included at the top side, and you can hang it more accurately at a place where you can consider your product will be the safest.

Transparent Bags

Some companies want to show customers what is inside. For that, they love using see-through or explicit packaging bag materials. If you are one of them, CBD Packaging Store makes it possible for you, whether you need small or large packaging.

Pinch Lock Bags

Customized Mylar bags with pinch lock means you are a CBD product manufacturer, pharmaceutical company, or one of those industries that want to deliver only products with the same intensity, taste, quantity, and quality. So, if you want more protection, you can order pinch-lock bags.

While discussing the types, you can get weed, child resistant, cannabis, pre roll, marijuana mylar bags, and many others. You only need to tell us about your product and packaging requirements, and we will deliver precisely what you are expecting.

Why CBD Packaging Store?

We offer all our customers unique, cost-efficient, and stylish packaging solutions. For example, our design team is one of the best globally available. They thoroughly understand your requirements and the latest trends and design your mylar packaging. Moreover, they customize these according to your brand requirements. Furthermore, these design support and customization services are available to all our customers for FREE.

We also offer free shipping services globally. It means you can get all your orders anywhere globally without paying extra or hidden charges. More importantly, we deliver all your orders to your doorstep within 7-12 working days, and there will be no delays at any cost. In case of any emergency or global situation, we keep in touch with you to inform you about the current location of your order.

Our minimum order quantity of as low as 100 custom units encourages small businesses to order and show they are a big firm, which will help them develop their brand reputation. On the contrary, we offer exclusive discounts to corporates and big organizations when ordering bulk.

Excellent Customer Support at Every Level

We are available to all our existing and potential customers on different media. So, you can call, chat with us, or fill out the form for an instant quote during office hours. If you call, send a message, or submit a quote form after office hours, we will reach out to you within the next 24 office hours. You can also email us or submit the Contact Us form after completing it with details.

Step 4

Add-Ons to enhance your presence

When combining materials, designs, and printing rightly, we ensure to incorporate the best add-ons and give your brand the best look and feel.

Tear Notch

The ultimate aim of mylar bags is to provide our customers tamper-evident packaging. A perforated tear notch above the opening ensures it.

Tear Notch
Stand Up With Gusset

Stand Up Pouches with Gusset

To display your bags nicely, we recommend a gusset in custom printed pouches.

Rounded/ Straight Corners

Do you need round corners or want rectangular corners? We help you cover both of your needs.

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Hang Hole Pouches

Hang-hole bags become necessary when you want to display your products on walls.

Hang Hole
Bag With Window

Bags with Windows

Some products cannot convince your customers to buy when packed in conventional packaging options. So, use uniquely-shaped windows and help your customers look at what is inside and decide accordingly.

Unique Die Cuts

Give your brand a unique look, and leave conventional bags. Die cuts give your products a more personalized and branded look to your custom pouches.

Die Cut

Step 5

Color and finish of your choice

CBD Packaging Store helps your products speak about you with packaging. We add an extra wow factor to your mylar bags with color and finish that tell your brand.


It means you can coat specific spots with glossing. For example, you can give your company logo and brand name a unique look with matte finishing. So, set your brand apart from all.

Textured Soft Touch

To add this finishing touch, we use a soft touch laminate film with a soft coating. When your customers touch it, they feel it slippery and soft and get a unique tactile experience.

Embossed Mylar Bags

Another option to help your customers feel good is embossing or debossing your company logo and name. Touching embossed or debossed surface means a memorable experience.

Kraft Bag

Kraft Bags

If thinking about giving your products a natural vibe, order Kraft bags to create a market buzz.

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Silver Bags

Stand out among many brands with a shiny look included in custom bags wholesale.

White Bag 1

White Bags

To go with a simple and sophisticated look, we recommend white-colored bags with or without windows.

Hot Foil Stamping

It is a technique to implement pre-dried foils or inks on packaging material at high temperatures. This foiling helps the brand logo and name reflect when light falls and creates a fantastic contrast with the material to enhance the appearance.

Hot Foil Stamping 2
Hot Foil Stamping

Punch N Slide

To consider yourself a brand, introduce mylar bags with the Punch N Slide option.

Pinch N Pull

Child resistance is the ultimate aim for the manufacturers of delicate products, Punch N Pull ensure it.

Clear-Sided Bags

These boxes have one opaque side that is the best for food items and cannabis flowers

We deliver excellence with uniqueness.

Our customization at CBD Packaging Store takes you to the top from the bottom. It is because we deliver only quality bags. So, start your branding journey now!

Call for A Sample

Do you need clarification on how custom mylar bags give a look to customers? We are ready to help you by sending you samples. It means you can check the material, closure mechanism, printing, and finishing. These samples make your decision-making convenient. Here are a few samples you can order for:

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Absolutely! At CBD Packaging Store, we specialize in designing and producing top-quality packaging solutions that can preserve taste, fragrance, efficacy, and overall CBD product quality in the long run. We understand that CBD products are sensitive enough to be affected due to environmental factors and lose their potency. Our Custom Mylar Bags also help avoid UV light, moisture and oxygen barrier, and other environmental and external factors. All these efforts confirm your customers will get your products in their original flavor, intensity, and fragrance.
    All packaging materials are available for Custom Mylar Bags at CBD Packaging Store. Some options are cardstock, corrugated, rigid stock, cardboard, and Kraft cardstock. All our customers prefer eco-friendly, biodegradable, and sustainable packaging materials to assemble. These packaging materials accumulate into toxic for the environment.

    Fitting the products fully inside the box is necessary to give your CBD products the look they deserve. Exact dimensions ensure your products can be protected fully, give your customers a feel they buy a brand, and make the unboxing experience unforgettable.

    Several add-ons are available at CBD Packaging Store that you can opt for. Some are:

    • Spot UV
    • Foiling (Gold, Silver, Pearl, etc.)
    • Strings (inserted, non-inserted)
    • Die-Cut Windows
    • Aqueous Coating
    • Laminations
    It is because we offer specialized packaging solutions for CBD products. These products need special attention and style to keep them safe and attract customers, and we at CBD Packaging Store understand how to deal with the Custom Mylar Bags

    Yes! Our designers help you make your artwork useful for packaging solutions for CBD products. Moreover, we also offer design services to all our customers in case of needing artwork. More interestingly, all these services are free for all.